Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week of Lasts

Moray and I have had a busy, busy semester.  He has been on many an adventure lately, despite my lack of writing.  
Field trip to the Fire Station
We have been to a puppy raising workshop, group trips to the fire station and airport, we have done promotional events for Canine Companions, and many other training outings.  
Checking out the ambulance
Airport exposure 

Getting ready to go through security

The TSA were fantastic to help out Moray and Hardy in their training! This is hopefully the beginning of a long relationship with them and our Canine Companions puppies!
The Week of Lasts is always an emotional week.  Yesterday was Moray's last outing with his local Canine Companions friends.  Today was his last day of Community Bible Study, tomorrow will be his last day of class with me, as well as his last puppy class, Friday will be his last day of Awana...the list goes on.  
My chest tightens and my eyes fill as I think that next time I am at ____, there will be no bouncy black lab at my side.  My hand won't be nudged by a jovial puppy who knows I still carry the occasional treat for especially good boys like himself.
I can willingly go through the heartache of goodbyes a million times over because it means that I have gotten to share the last seventeen months with an amazing creature who has taught me more than I have taught him.
Excuse my dorky face, and know that we laugh together...a lot. And it makes me smile.
And there's something even better coming ahead.  This week of lasts is needed.  It's essential in order for Moray to make a new set of Firsts.  Firsts with his new trainer, Firsts with his forever human in whatever career he chooses.  And that is a beautiful thing.


  1. Ohhh my heart! It cannot handle my favorite puppies turning in. I am reliving my recent turn in, and I'm dumbfounded with how fast time passes. I am so proud of you and MorayMan, and all that you have accomplished in such a relatively short amount of time. I cannot wait to walk this next step in his journey along side of you! Love you, dear friend!

  2. Best wishes Moray! Great job, Hannah!


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