Saturday, December 15, 2012


A few weeks ago I went to dinner with a friend (when we were in the mountains).  She knows and loves Dante, but had never been out in public with us before.  

During the time that we were together, she said multiple times how weird it was that everyone was staring at us, and talking to/about us.  It got me thinking about how slowly and steadily I have learned to ignore these things.  Sure, I hear The. Funniest. comments from people on a daily basis, but somehow in the course of the last ten months, it has become normal.

The first few times I had a puppy in public were weird.  I don't like being the center of attention, and I enjoy eating without being stared at.  The fact is, with an adorable puppy walking next to you, having someone ignore you is very rare (but, Oh, so welcome!).

When I don't have much time or even just really working on Dante's focus, I have learned to not make eye contact with anyone.  Sure, I love to tell people about CCI or educate on service dogs, but for those people who just want to get their hands on my dog, I keep it short, and move on.  Lately, Dante has been getting distracted by people, so there has been no petting allowed.  For the record: saying "no" to petting gets so much easier the more you do it.  

On Wednesday we went to the mall.  A few of the things that were said about/to us included:
  •  (My mom heard after she had passed us.  About me telling her she couldn't pet Dante)  "Well, I've never heard that one before."  All I said was that he couldn't be pet because he was working right now.  Apparently, she has not met many service animals.
  • A mom explaining to her children: "You see that lady holding the doggie's leash, she's can't see and the dog is guiding her."  I really do appreciate your effort to educate your kids, even though it was slightly off :-)
  • After I explained to a very nice woman why I wasn't allowing Dante to be pet: "So, can you pet him?"
There were probably countless other comments made out of my hearing.  The funny thing is when I go out without Dante, now that is weird.  I just said "let's go!" to myself.  What do I do with my hands without a leash in them?

Yup, I think it's official: this is my new normal.


  1. I love reading what you hear people say about you and Dante! It really is funny! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Haha! Oh I laughed out loud at the second comment about you being blind. I've gotten that one too. Soo funny.


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